The industrial computer changes the game in the industry:

Before the implementation of computers, all the records were maintained in books and papers. And, all the things handled by humans. So, the chances of error were obvious. And, a lot of errors happened which results in losing a life. But after the implementation of computers in industries changed a lot of things. Like maintaining the records, database of clients, and other things. But then comes the changing moment by implementing the computers in the production line too. So, that it can link the production line and its system. For tracking proper records and maintain the production line too.

At that time Industrial computer [คอมพิวเตอร์อุตสาหกรรม, which is the term in Thai] came in use. These computers are a lot different than a normal computer. They can perform such tasks that a normal computer can’t do. Like analyzing the high-end data that is given by devices. Then processing it and analyzing it after that giving the result.

More rugged and high performance can be obtained

Industrial computers are designed to deliver the output at high speed. That too working in such an environment in which a normal computer will not work. They are built especially for industries. So, they are more rugged and reliable and comes with protection from dust, water, and other things. Also, they have to handle the whole plant or high-end machine. So, they have to be fast. For that modern equipment has been installed in the industrial computer. That is why the cost of an industrial computer is higher than a normal computer.

Benefits of the industrial computer that helps the industry

There are enormous benefits of having an industrial computer. But some of them are

  • IP65 protection gives it protection from dust, water, shock, and other things.
  • Vibrator and temperature fluctuations resistant.
  • Power-efficient.
  • Operational 24*7 into 365 days without turning off for a few days.
  • Easy to mount.
  • Multiple ports are there so, a lot of things can be used at the same time.