Getting Your Business to Run Once Again after COVID-19

With the second phase of the circuit breaker commencing, more and more companies are starting to resume their day-to-day operations. However, the risk of the virus is still lurking, and with the economy being down for some time, companies would be struggling to recover their financial positions.

Employee Well Being is Still the Main Concern

You see, even if it is unlikely that there will be another full-lockdown, that is not entirely out of the question. COVID-19 is still a dangerous virus like it ever was, and it can spread like a bonfire.

The government has issued various guidelines for companies to keep themselves safe. Some include allowing Work From Home and Virtual Meetings, Rechecking the Work Schedule, Social Distancing at work, Compulsory Masks, Hiring an SMO, etc.

Offices and workplaces are required to install a SafeEntry Visitor Management System.

Finding Finances

There are various finances for companies and businesses to help sustain the pressure of the pandemic. The Job Support Scheme, Foreign Worker Levy and Rebate, Enhanced Property Tax Rate, Support Package for Fintech, etc. all are going to make it easy for Doing business after COVID Singapore

Make sure you avail from all of them.

Going Online

Work From Home is preferable and essential during the time of the pandemic. Well, it isn’t anything terrible, given that letting remote work has proven to improve productivity.

Companies need to upgrade their IT resources and infrastructures. Virtual Office software and cloud accounting, auditing, HR and Payroll management software are also required.

Another thing that will prove crucial to firms is online marketing, websites, and online sales. For this again, companies need to set up an online bank account. Well, for the best results, they should work with a Digital Assistance Service Provider.

Setting up your Business After the Pandemic

Before running your business, you will need to apply for business resumption. This will let the government know that your company is up and running and make plans for the future. For more information, you can look at a Guide to Business Resumption Singapore